Endings and New Beginnings - Raven's Cauldron

Endings and New Beginnings...Tarot: The World and The Knight Of Cups

, by Brian Campbell, 10 min reading time

The World & Knight of Cups – What is This Tarot Combination Telling Us? The World and the Knight of Cups form a powerful Tarot combination that speaks of completion and new beginnings. This blog explores how the World symbolizes satisfaction and the end of a cycle, while the Knight of Cups brings a message of creativity, emotional fulfillment, and the courage to pursue new passions. Learn how these cards work together to guide you through life's transitions and inspire you to follow your heart’s desires. Perfect for those seeking insight into personal growth and finding their soul’s purpose.

The World & The Knight of Cups – What is this combination trying to tell us?

One of my favorite activities with the Tarot is to make connections on two or more cards.  What I mean by this is not simply to know the meanings of the cards, but to help understand what they're trying to say.  I've made it a daily practice to read and interpret a Tarot combination.  In fact, I have a weekly Tarot spread that I use to do this, and it helps guide my week.  Here's the way this works, I pull a major arcana card and that serves as the ruler card for the week after that has been established, I pull five more cards, each representing Monday through Friday, and these can be any card, major, minor or court.  It's these combinations that truly serve as my guide to interpreting the cards, learning the intricacies that exist between them.

Tarot, Tarot Cards, The World Card, Tarot Reader, Tarot Combination


How can I help? 

When I set out on my journey to begin a blog on the Tarot, the first question I asked myself was, “What hasn’t been done yet?”.  I thought about this for some time and decided that the most powerful thing I could provide would be deep dives on Tarot combinations.   There has been much written about them, but I haven’t run into a lot of deep dives and that is the subject matter that I’ve decided to blog on this year.  With so many Tarot combinations, it’s truly the heart of effective card reading.  Knowing the meaning of a single card is only a small part of the story, being able to weave meaning and flow between 2 or more cards is where the Tarot gets interesting.

The satisfaction of completion... 

Major arcana 21, The World reminds us the everything in life has a cycle.  I especially love the way the figure in the Rider-Waite deck is looking back at her past and looking forward to her exciting future all at the same time.  The card is truly the completion card of the Tarot and one that is full of symbolism, reminders, positivity, and celebration.  Everything from balance and moderation comes into play here and The World is a favorite card to combine with other cards in the deck to tell the story.  I say this because The World signifies the end of a cycle, and I always like to clarify the story with a combination.  The World can signify upcoming travel as well, it’s also symbolic of closing one chapter and opening a new one and again this is why it’s such a powerful card to work in a combination.  When I work on a deep dive or write a blog, I thoroughly enjoy the randomness of pulling a combination and I was really happy that we will be focusing on combining The World with The Knight of Cups.


Tarot, Tarot Cards, The Knight of Cups Card, Tarot Reader, Tarot Combination


Feeling creative? 

The Knight of Cups is the hopeless romantic of the Tarot deck, this cannot be denied.  However, today, we are combining with The World and trying to determine exactly what this combination is trying to tell us.  The Knight of Cups, like all Knights in the Tarot, is on a mission, a mission that involves much creativity and passion.  What's great about the Knight of Cups versus the Page of Cups is that he is past the stage of dreaming up ideas and he's ready to begin making dreams become reality.  One thing to always understand about the Cups as a whole and especially any of the court cards that are Cups(Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings) is that they rule and choose with emotions and heart and not always logic.  I often find that the Page has already weeded out the ideas that may or may not be ones that will thrive and the Knight is ready to take the more solid idea or ideas and make them a reality.  As in all Cups, the Knight of Cups is solid in emotions, balanced, calm and in touch with his feminine side.  When this lovely card comes up, it's time to take inventory of hobbies, passions and other ideas that have been put on the back burner, it's the time to make dreams turn into reality.

What do all these numbers mean?

Tarot, Tarot Cards, The World Card, Thoth, Thoth Tarot,  Tarot Reader, Tarot Combination Tarot, Tarot Cards, The Knight of Cups Card, Thoth, Thoth Tarot, Tarot Reader, Tarot Combination

What’s awesome about this combination is that each of these cards boils down to a 3, The World 2 + 1 = 3 and The Knight of Cups 1 + 2 = 3.  The number three is all about creativity, starting fresh with confidence and knowingness that you have something of great value to offer.  Taking it one step further is to look at the 2 and 1 that are the base of both of these cards.  The 1 first and foremost is about new beginnings, which in this combination happened some time ago as we know it’s come to full fruition with The World, but also, there’s a new beginning about to take place with the Knight of Cups.  The 2 is all about growing, doing what it takes to get the job done, whether that be a partnership, acting responsibly, etc.    The numbers 1 through 3 are really magical in that they're the representation of our youth, beginnings, that feeling of getting that first job offer, that feeling of receiving romantic attention for the first time.  Additionally, the 2 and 3 show us on our path, gaining wisdom, learning the ropes, networking with peers and friends, etc. and the 3 ushers in creativity, the inner artist that lies in all of us.    Satisfaction with completion combined with the excitement of moving towards a new endeavor, perhaps our soul’s purpose, our true identity is the heartbeat of the awesome combination and a quick peek at the numerology helps us to gain insights.

Chase it down… Tarot, Tarot Cards, The Knight of Cups Card, Tarot Reader, Tarot Combination

The Knight of Cups brings such a positive message, it's truly one of my favorite court cards in any Tarot deck.  As a rule, the suit of Cups is pretty happy and positive and combined with the energy and drive of the Knight, it's a card that has a welcome position in any reading.  Unlike the other Knights in the Tarot, the Knight of Cups is cool as a cucumber.  The horse the Knight is riding in is not running frantically, in fact, the head is in a playful position and the Knight himself is calm and confident.  I always welcome this card because it harkens back to the days when I was full of ideas and creativity, I wanted to explore it all, anything from painting and singing to technical work and accounting.  The Knight of Cups is not about a specific discipline, quite the opposite actually, it's about finding and living your soul's purpose  I talk a lot about soul's purpose in my readings because I have deep-rooted passion about the topic.  I feel that we as humans are on a journey to find our purpose, what makes us not dread the day if you will and finding that soul's purpose is pivotal to our happiness and satisfaction of life.  The Knight of Cups gently opens up our minds to the endless creative possibilities that exist all around us.  When my father passed away unexpectedly several years back, I knew I needed to have a spiritual tune-up if you will.  I did a reading and the Knight of Cups was in position 7 of a Celtic Cross, which is the advice card.  I knew at the moment I needed to tap into creativity, and I started oil painting lessons.  I never believed I had an artistic bone in my body, but I had a passion and drive and I conquered the courses and became an oil painter.  The lesson is, of course, is that we can do anything we want to do, the operative word is want.  I wanted to understand painting, color theory, portraits, etc. and that deep want is what enabled me to work in Information Technology by day and paint and create by night.  Books and literature will say that we are primarily left-brained or right-brained, and I don't doubt the science of that notion, but I've proven that we can be both with the desire and drive to learn and understand, the Knight of Cups encourages us to do just that.

Bringing The World and The Knight of Cups together

What is the combination of the World and the Knight of Cups trying to tell us?  The World is the completion of a cycle and not just any completion, but one of inner satisfaction and balance, of accomplishment and calm.  The Knight of Cups is a reminder that creativity, romance, and imagination all help lead to a happy and well-rounded existence.  Combined, we can really start to see the powerful and necessary message in this story.  One door has closed, perhaps a job, perhaps a relationship, either way, The World says we are satisfied with our past and looking forward to our future, and the Knight says don't forget to open your mind to the possibilities that are open to us.  We only have one life to live, and the message here is that we should live our best life possible and explore all avenues.  Do you settle for status-quo?  If yes, this combination has a lot of lessons to teach, because status-quo is the antithesis of these cards.  The World says smile, you've been there and done that and can't wait to see what's next, The Knight of Cups says go for it, tap into that inner child of imagination and creativity and you'll be surprised what comes out!

A Little More About Raven's Cauldron

I’m Brian, a thirty-year Tarot card reader. I own a company called Raven's Cauldron, and we specialize in providing a one stop metaphysical shop experience.  After frequenting metaphysical and spiritual shops for decades, I wanted to provide a place in my hometown that provides a wide array of new age, metaphysical and spiritual items.  I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog, there will be many more to come. 

About The Author

Brian J. Campbell is the owner of Raven’s Cauldron, established in 2019, and a seasoned Tarot reader with over 40 years of professional experience. Passionate about the metaphysical arts, Brian has dedicated his life to studying spirituality, divination, and the mystical realms, making him a trusted resource for those seeking deeper insight and guidance. His expertise extends far beyond Tarot, incorporating a wealth of knowledge on crystals, astrology, and other esoteric practices. Through Raven’s Cauldron, Brian strives to create a space where seekers of all kinds can explore, learn, and connect with their spiritual path.

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Card images are © Copyright U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Everyday Witch Tarot – Art by Elisabeth Alba

Thoth Tarot Deck  - Art by  Lady Frieda Harris


  • Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?



  • So funny ( not literly but odd in fact) how the Universe opens a door when its needed. I get easily distracted and this morning I got a push to read the entire blog. OMG it hit home and so THANK YOU . Love your idea of explaining combinations as very little is out there info wise for understanding this concept. Kudos .



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